is one of the most important islands in Riau Archipelago, due to its thriving economy and proximity to Singapore. Tanjung Balai Karimun is a medium-sized town, with a large Chinese community and shops selling a large variety of imported items. The town is linked by both sea and air.
ARCHIPELAGO KARIMUNJAWA karimun jawa, One of the districts in Jepara is one - the only district in Central Java which separate the sea to the mainland of Java, a distance of 45 nautical miles from the capital district and 60 miles north of the capital. He is a chain of islands - small islands consisting of 27 islands with an area of 7129 hectares and 107 225 ha of water area. Karimunjawa name allegedly taken from the word Keremun or vague - vague, referring to this group of islands when seen from the mainland of Java seem Keremun - keremun or vague - vague. The name was reputedly given at Sunan Nyamplungan come to Karimun (first person who came to set foot Karimunjawa da mainland). Nyamplungan Sunan is one of the Hijra the son of Sunan Muria to Karimun, whose name is perpetuated from where his tomb is in the village of Mount Nyamplungan karimunjawa. Some locations / attractions to visit is Menjengan Small Island, Big Menjengan, Tanjung Gelam, Legon Lele, Genting, Twins, Parang, Pines and Krakal. maritime tourism such as sailing, surfing, water skiing, swimming, sunbathing on white sand beaches, camping, cultural tours, observation of deer and birds and diving / snorkeling. Package tours to visit the island - the island can contact the travel agency in semarang / Jepara (tours 1-7 days). Cultural attractions in the national tamn ie eggs and th Durian festival in january / march in Jepara. The best visiting season: The month from April to October each year. Access to and from the Dewondaru from Jepara coast by plane or by air charter.