Mount Semeru is the highest mountain Merapi in Java, with its peak Mahameru, 3676 meters above sea level. crater at the top of the mountain known by the name jonggring semeru saloko.
semeru have dipterokarp forest hill, forest dipterokarp above, Montane forest, and ericaceous forests or mountain forest.
position of this mountain is located between poor districts and administrative areas Lumajang, with geographical position between 8 degrees 06 'south latitude and 120 degrees 55' east longitude.
in 1913 and 1946 have saloka jonggring crater dome with a height of 3744.8 meters until the end of november 1973. the south edge of the crater dome was broken causing lava flow toward the south side of the covering area and candipuro pronojiwo in Lumajang.
the trip takes about four days to climb a mountain peak semeru home - go. to climb a mountain can be reached via the town semeru poor or Lumajang. of our poor city terminal to ride public transportation to the village of overlap. connected again with a jeep or truck vegetables are widely available in the back of the terminal market overlaps with the cost per person USD. 20 000, - up to post Ranu pani.
before we stopped at gubugklakah to obtain permits, with details, license costs USD. 6000, - to a maximum of 10 people, park admission USD. 2000, - per person, insurance per person USD. 2000, -.
using vegetable truck or jeep journey starts from intercropping to Ranu pani, the last village at the foot semeru. here there are checkpoints, there are also stalls and cottages. for climbers who brought the tent fee of Rp. 20 000, - per tent and when the camera is also take charge Rp. 5000, - per piece. in this post, we are able to find porters (local residents to help indicate the direction of climbing, lifting objects and cook). climbers can also be lodged at the guardhouse. Ranu post pani also that there are two lakes with an area of the lake Ranu pani 1 Ha and Ranu regulo lake with an area of 0.75 hectares. situated at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level.
after arriving at the monument 'welcome', note continues to the left and head toward the hill, do not follow the broad road toward the garden of the population. other than the usual path in the climbers passed, there is also a commonly used shortcut local hikers, this path is very steep.
initial path sloping down the hillside, which is dominated by grassland vegetation - grassland. there are no signs pointing toward the street, but there are signs of distance on each 100 meters. There are many fallen trees and branches - a branch above his head.
after walking about five miles down the overgrown hillside edelweis, and will arrive at rajeng watu. Here there is a very beautiful steep rock. very beautiful scenery to the valley and hills - the hills, which is overgrown with fir and pine forest. can sometimes see clouds of smoke from the summit semeru. to go Ranu Kumbolo still have to travel a distance of about 4.5 miles and to get to the top of the Mahameru still far from Ranu Kumbolo.
bali mountain Mahameru by people believed to be the father of majestic mountains in bali bali and respected by society. and according to public confidence in the Javanese people who write on ancient books which bersal tantu performances from the 15th century, the island of Java at some time floating in the ocean, the waves pushed around there - here. Java island, the gods decided to set, by way of Mount Meru in India move to the top of the island of Java.